Take Control of Your Immigration Dreams

Redefining Immigration with the Power of Intelligent Systems

What We Do

Intelligent Systems for a Smarter Immigration:

At SELF MIGRATE, we provide intelligent systems that empower clients to take control of their immigration journey. Our report generation service offers in-depth analysis and tailored recommendations for the highest success ratio, saving clients up to 90% of the cost of traditional consultancy services.

We are committed to redefining immigration consultancy services with affordable, reliable, and personalized advice. Join us on the journey to a brighter immigration future.

Analysis 🔍

Discover your migration potential with our intuitive evaluation tool.Maximize your chances of immigration success with our thorough and insightful analysis.

Report generation 📋

Make informed decisions with our comprehensive report which provides you with immigration options. Get a detailed report of your immigration eligibility, customized just for you.

Solutions 🧙

We empower you to take control of your immigration  process or get you connected with authentic and verified professionals to take care of your process.

Report generation

Leading the way in Automated Immigration

After we thoroughly analyze all parts of your profile and the system checks your eligibility against all available programs in Canada, Australia, UK and Portugal. We record and frame all our findings in easy-to-read reports which guide you to choose the right program. There are options available for all needs and purposes.

Whether it concerns individuals or families, we provide solutions that cover the requested needs. THERE IS NO CONSULTANT INVOLVED!

We Involve users

There are many immigration programs which recommend users to apply themselves. We guide our clients through the complete process with step-by-step instructions. Rather than risking your application through an UNVERIFIED IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT, we empower you to take control of your own immigration process, FREE OF COST.

If you are still not confident, we get you connected with VERIFIED PROFESSIONALS which guide you through the more complicated immigration programs.


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